STREAMERS: a Covid Sculpture with integrated live video streaming

Video © Andreas Hack
The structure is a copy of the original Pest Sculpture
(Pestsäule: Dreifältigkeitssäule) situated on the Viennese Graben.
It was erected after the Great Plague epidemic in 1679
On show in Karlsruhe/ Friedrichsplatz until end September
320 loudspeakers, tube radios, sound commodes, 3 Bluetooth receivers , “audio twitter”, 2 telephone numbers with answering machines, plugin for microphone and sound devices
Camera is embedded in the sculpture: with a view of the square in front of the sculpture.
29 Jan — 1 May, 2022
Project website:
When you see people standing there you can call one of the STREAMERS tel nrs and talk to them: +43 676 4319040, +43 676 4319050
How to use STREAMERS
Call the sculpture … talk to the people on site … send “audio” tweets that will be amplified live (with a five-second delay) through the sculpture … connect via Bluetooth … watch the livestream … listen to the noise … come with your own mic … Plug’n Play
Telephone numbers:
+43 676 4319040
+43 676 4319050
Bluetooth interfaces:
Belkin HD BT F71
Belkin SongStream BT F8Z429…
twitter: #covidsculpture
instagram: @streamers_a_covid_sculpture
1020 VIENNA // 29 Jan — 1 Mai 2022
The sculpture is “on” (hearable) from 10 AM until 7 PM CET (Central European Time)
Streamers is built as a participative public sculpture made out of recycled loudspeakers, tube radios, hifi furniture and modern interactive media. SPEAKERS SCULPTURES are interactive sound sculptures by Berlin-based Franco-American artist Benoît Maubrey. They are conceived on site and reflect their local environment and are constructed from up to 3000 recycled loudspeakers (all connected). The sculptures can function both as a mobile “Speakers Corner“ — a “hotspot“ for local participation and self-expression but also as a forum for small events and concerts.
The public, local artists, musicians, choral groups and organisations can participate by relaying songs and messages via Bluetooth and individual Smartphones, or by connecting their devices, microphone, and instruments via a direct “line in.” People can also call up the sculpture via two telephone numbers and talk through it for 3 minutes. Also “Audio “ twitter messages are played live through the sculpture. Additionally it can be used as PA system for events, DJs, and small concerts. During the exhibition of the sculpture the public can also access the site via Streaming video.
Sabine Knierbein
Scientific preface – opening of the COVID-19 column in front of the Vienna House of Economy, Praterstern
Artist: Benoît Maubrey
Curator: Georg Weckwerth
Author: Prof. Dr. Sabine Knierbein, Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space,
Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning, TU Vienna
PDF download
Peter Weibel, ZKM Karlsruhe
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