A Speakers Corner for Berlin (2019)
A participative public sculpture made out of 320 connected loudspeakers that people can use to express themselves. The public, local artists and musicians can participate via a number of ways:
- by calling either one of two telephone numbers to express themselves for 3 minutes.
- via Bluetooth they can relay songs and messages to the sculpture.
- via direct „line in“ they can connect their devices and instruments or speak directly through a microphone.
- via an “audio twitter” (to #speakersarena) their messages are automatically read out loud.
Additionally the sculpture can be used as a PA system for events , DJs, and small concerts.
The SPEAKERS ARENA project is conceived in the shape of a small amphitheater so that the sculpture can be presented both as a “Speakers Corner” — a low-key “hotspot” for local participation and self-expression („Audio Graffiti“) but also function as a stage for small events and concerts. The sculpture is created from 4 modular elements that are fitted together as a single amphitheater or split up into different elements that function as concert “boxes” with more sound volume.
From July 1st to November 2019.
Location: Pallasseum, Pallasstrasse 5 (near the corner of Potsdamerstrasse)
Financed from Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin.
Produced by the Kulturpark 3000 e.V. / Gallery Zwitschermachine.
Making of: