A Speakers Corner for The Paseo Festival in TAOS
Equipment: 350 recycled loudspeakers, 4 amplifiers, 4 Bluetooth recievers, 4 radio recievers, 1 telephone answering machine.
An interactive 4-channel sound sculpture that allows the people to play their annoucements, messages and music directly and live through it.
This can happen 3 ways:
- via a special, designated phone number people can call up the sculpture and talk „live“ through it for 3 minutes.
- via bluetooth technology and their smart phones local visitors can also play their songs „live“ through one of the channels.
- via a direct „line in“ socket local musicians, groups, and politiciens can give speeches and concerts during events that happen in and around the gazeebo.
In effect the sculpture acts as local public “hotspot” (see SPEAKERS CORNER in Hyde Park/ London) that local people and visitors can use to express themselves. The sculpture is split into 4 channels on different sides so that messages do not interfere with one another. The sound volume is regulable: and can be changed according to the situation via a mixing board which also means that the sculpture can also be used as a PA system for public events and local DJs.
As “heartbeat“ sound the sculpture also plays low-level „white noise“ sound from 4 radio receivers as well as people‘s voices: this sounds like a distant waterfall.
The sculpture itself has only signal cable and therefore is not electrically dangerous. It functions from 10 AM to 8 PM daily (unless programmed otherwise).
Download Gazeebo_new.pdf [205kB]