Over the years the Audio Gruppe has been consequently developing its repertoire. Members of the group have developed their own solos with a particular instrument and/or costume.
In 1994 Elizabeth Brodin perfected her Seguirya piece (a dancer moving in a circle of light using a light sensor).
During the Audio Drama piece Benoit Maubrey produced his own Feedback Fred character wearing an oversize loudspeaker box on his back and “feeding back” his own voice through it via a microphone mask: this personality can likened to a cross-cloning of Hamlet and an electronic-loaded Hunchback of Notre Dame.
In 2003 during Ingrid Martinez created her own solo using an Audio(Backpack) Box and a double light-to-frequency controller.
In 2000 Lotta Melin played a duet with her sampler and the saxophonist Mats Gustafsson at the Monaco Dance Danses Forum. In 2001 she repeated this duet with Axel Dorner at the Sound and Movement Conference at the Free University in Berlin.
Katja Reinsberg danced with her double light frequency controller (light sensor) first during the Kulturbro festival (Ystad, 2000) and afterwards at the LEM Festival (Gracia Territoria Sonor /Barcelona) in 2004.