Sorben 3000 at Rudolstadt Festival 2024

Using electronics, audio technology and LED light, Benoit Maubrey transforms traditional Sorbian costumes from Lower Lausitz (Germany) into luminous, resonant dresses.
A sound-light movement performance in cooperation with Sorbian amateur dancers from Deutsch-Sorbisches Ensemble Cottbus e.V. (Nimsko-serbski ansamble Chósebuz). They dance offstage (in the audience) in Sorbian festive costumes and engage in visual-audial communication by means of their electronically equipped clothing.
The costumes of the “SORBEN 3000”are equipped with sound-to-light technology and a portable electronic sound system. The dancers are accompanied (and “played/illuminated”) by Paul Geigerzähler and his violin.

Folklore costumes equipped with loudspeakers, samplers, receivers, and sound-to-light LED systems.
Project commissioned in 2010 by the OBART festival in Kirschau/Saxen. Electroacoustic folklore costumes, hats (“Hauben”) that play local Sorbian* music. The costumes are also equipped with LED sound-to-light light technology that allows them to “light up” as they play their original Sorbische instruments and songs.
*During the 6th century A.D., the Sorbs arrived in the Western part of what is now Germany. In the North, the area of their settlement reached Berlin. In 631 A.D., for the first time.




Sorben 3000 + Interview Benoit Maubrey:


Sorben 3000:


CyberSorbs at IKMZ Cottbus:

